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 Enhancing presentation and public speaking skills for effective communication
  • November 23, 2023
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 Enhancing presentation and public speaking skills for effective communication

Today career or business demands strong spoken communication skills and the majority of executives and hiring managers prioritize these skills. Most jobs require a degree of public speaking whether it is for a presentation for your team or speaking for a conference. When giving a speech in public, you must communicate your ideas clearly. You also need to offer an opinion of yourself to the audience that encourages empathy.

However, it is common to get nervous before public speaking which makes it challenging for you to communicate with and get attraction from the audience. Therefore, top MBA colleges in Tamil Nadu ensure that students acquire the required skills before they start their careers which includes effective communication. Also, managers or entrepreneurs need to know the language of the audience before they make their product sell. This article is for budding managers to understand the importance of presentation and public speaking skills. It is also true that not everyone has a gift for public speaking, however with constant practice and effort you are able to perform and escape from anxiety issues or feeling alone. If you have the talent to become a perfect public speaker, here are some suggestions and tips which keep you motivated and encouraged to perform well.

Factors to keep in mind for improving public speaking skills:

Even if you’re introverted or have any issues like chronic anxiety, it is necessary to overcome your fear and learn to improve your public speaking skills.

1.Voice is the basic communication tool that you need to use wisely which is the primary key to improving your public speaking. The steps to improve your voice are to relax your belly, expand while you breathe, inhale and exhale to the count of five. This breathing practice helps to calm your nerves. Always practice where your volume, tone and pitch are in control which is encouraging and attracts people to listen rather than indicating your fear.

2.Body language is important while speaking which includes gestures, facial expressions and movements. This interaction helps the audience to listen to you and if it goes in another way, then your speech will be confusing. Improve body language with some activities like standing straight, and avoiding slouching. Facial expressions match your message. Standing with your feet and arms stretched, take a deep breath and observe how you feel.

3.Delivery of what you speak is the outcome for the public speaker. It means your audience needs to understand what you are saying. Keep in mind, that it should be focused clearly and clearly where your audience remains activated, not bored. It is okay to take a few seconds of silence instead of making noises like ahh or incoherent words.

4.Always connect the context with the audience; it means you need to engage them from the beginning. Smile, greet, thank and humanize with the audience and ensure you maintain the conversational tone. Making eye contact is another technique to stay in a personal connection with the audience.

5.Rehearsing your speech is another advantage to making public speaking skills a better practice. You may refine your message and find better ways to express specific sections of your presentation by repeating it. Your comfort level when delivering your speech in front of an audience will automatically increase after you have practised it several times.

Importance of public speaking skills:

Understand that communicating in public is one of the skills you need to exhibit outside of the workplace. Even in your private life, you may suffer from the fear of public speaking. This may certainly lead to miscommunications with friends or family or distraction from engaging in certain activities.

Consider the scenario, you may refrain from making presentations at social gatherings or discussing your intentions or views. This leads to misunderstanding where you may be unable to express the view clearly which results in frustration and social anxiety.

You know that in business or organizations, irreplaceable skills are effective communication skills. Once you complete your masters in MBA program, then as a manager or entrepreneur you need to know how efficiently you attract customers, negotiate with the clients and tone your voice in presenting your ideas. Therefore, public speaking or presentation skills are necessary where you can overcome fear, practice and gain confidence which advances your life.

And the best MBA schools for marketing offer opportunities for students to implement various activities, improving their ability to speak, and presenting to audiences. As students take advice from professionals and rely on their peers for assistance, they also develop confidence. If you’re afraid to speak in front of groups of people, you can find support from other students who share your experience.

There are various public speaking courses and programs that may help you in how to make virtual presentations and advisable to take expert guidance to learn public speaking. There might be student organizations that you can join to hone your public speaking abilities.